Answer seven questions and find out about the controversies surrounding memorials on the Stage for American Democracy.
Which of the following memorials has generated controversy and criticism?
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial
All of the above
The Cherry Tree Rebellion was organized by citizens who opposed which memorial?
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial
The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
None of the above
What was one of the criticisms of the FDR memorial when it was first constructed?
That it ignored the Great Depression
That it ignored war
That it ignored FDR's paralysis
That it ignored the contributions of Eleanor Roosevelt
Some Vietnam Veterans protested Maya Lin’s design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. What was the response to the controversy, protest, and backlash?
The design was significantly altered to incorporate concerns.
The memorial organization held another design contest and selected a different design.
A statue and a flag were added to the Memorial.
Congress refused to fund the construction of the Memorial.
One of the most vocal critics of the plan for the Lincoln Memorial was:
His surviving son who said “this does not represent his most important contributions”
The President, FDR, who said “the memorial is too small and should be larger”
The Senator from Illinois who said “So long as I live, I'll never let a memorial to Abraham Lincoln be erected in that G*XD^% swamp”.
The Lincoln Memorial Association who were unhappy that “Congress is dictating the design and location of this Memorial”
Which of the following memorials have recently been added to the National Mall?
The Black Patriots Memorial
The Women’s Equality Monument
The Memorial to American Literature
None of the above
True or False: The National Mall is complete and nothing more should be added.
True, Congress declared the Mall complete in 2003 and put a moratorium on new memorials.
False, Congress has already made exceptions to the moratorium because American history can never be complete.
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