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2006 Archive
An archive of National Mall Coalition email newsletters from 2006
Vietnam Wall Visitor Center Approved
Dear Coalition Friends: The front page of last Friday’s Washington Post reports on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Visitor Center approved by the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) at their meeting […]
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National Capital Planning Commission Announces Initiative to Beautify the Mall
Yesterday, the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) announced a planning initiative to improve federal land in areas around the Mall, to make them more appealing as future monument and museum sites.
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Legislation to Mandate a Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center on the National Mall
Alarming legislation passed in the House that would mandate a Vietnam Veterans Memorial Visitor Center on the National Mall and exempt it from all laws, including a fair, mandatory public review process.
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Post: National Trust Calls Arts & Industries An Endangered Site
Dear Coalition Friends, The National Trust for Historic Preservation has named the Arts & Industries Building of the Smithsonian Institution to its list of “America’s 11 Most Endangered Places.” Below […]
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National Mall Serves Once Again as National Stage
Dear Coalition Friends, Yesterday, the National Mall once again served its modern function as a national “stage” for topics of national importance as hundreds of thousands of marchers converged on […]
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Vietnam Veterans Memorial Visitor Center Deadline Enforcement Act
Dear Coalition Friends, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Visitor Center Deadline Enforcement Act, introduced in the House Committee on Resources on Tuesday, illustrates once again the threats to the National Mall […]
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Smithsonian Picks Notable Spot for Its Museum of Black History
Dear Coalition Friends: Yesterday, the Smithsonian Institution’s Board of Regents chose a site on the Mall near the Washington Monument for its new National Museum of African-American History and Culture. […]
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Ballparks, Eminent Domain, and the Need for a District Planning Commission
An invitation to a free public forum (registration is required): Ballparks, Eminent Domain, and the Need for a District Planning Commission January 12th, 6:30-8 p.m. National Building Museum Fourth and […]
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