On view now through September 3, 2017

Immediate Release – A new exhibition tells the story of the visionary design and planning of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., a landscape symbol of American Democracy. The exhibition introduces visitors to the 1791 L’Enfant Plan and the 1902 McMillan Commission Plan that are the blueprints for the Mall, and illustrates the implementation and sometimes neglect of those brilliant plans. The exhibition features ideas to both preserve and expand the Mall while also creating new spaces for future museums and public events. Included in the exhibition are the six winners of the Coalition’s National Ideas Competition for the Washington Monument Grounds to highlight the importance of public involvement in planning the future for this “stage for Democracy.” The need for long-range sustainability is illustrated with photographs showing the history of devastating river and storm water floods that threaten Mall area buildings, monuments, and public open spaces.
The National Mall Exhibition is sponsored by the National Mall Coalition in partnership with The Branch and is curated by members of the Coalition.
View the exhibit brochure on AIA’s role in creating the 1902 McMillan Plan
The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design is located at 2501 Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia’s historic Fan District. The mission of The Branch is to elevate awareness of the transformative power of architecture and design. The museum is open to the public Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Learn more by calling 804-644-3041 or visit https://www.branchmuseum.org
The nonprofit National Mall Coalition advocates comprehensive visionary planning for the Mall to ensure the vitality, beauty, and continued active role of this stage for Democracy in the capital and in American life. Learn more at https://nationalmallco.wpengine.com
The exhibition is on view from May 25 to September 3, 2017 at The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design, 2501 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Learn more at https://branchmuseum.org/exhibitions/
For further information, contact:
Craig A. Reynolds
Judy Scott Feldman, PhD
Tags: museum, National Mall Coalition, The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design