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2005 Archive
An archive of National Mall Coalition email newsletters from 2005
Post letter: Looking Out for the Mall
Dear Coalition Friends, Yesterday’s Washington Post contains an editorial correction and a letter from the Chairmen of the Commission of Fine Arts and the National Capital Planning Commission regarding the […]
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Letter to the Washington Times, “A growing, lively Mall”
As the dialogue begins about the Mall’s future, we will make every attempt to clarify our ideas for 1. Enhancing the existing Mall with visitor amenities, activities, and transportation, and 2. Expanding the Mall with new public open space, museum and memorial sites, and recreational and cultural activities, especially along the Potomac waterfront.
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Post letters: An Excess of Inaccessibility
Dear Coalition Friends: This story has legs. Today’s Washington Post has a cartoon by Tom Toles and two letters to the editor on the security/fear/public lack of access issue at […]
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