Month: September 2000
Anatomy of an eyesore: Monumental Error (The New Republic)
By Joseph Fishkin, The New Republic Never has the phrase “Everyone’s a critic” been truer. It’s hard to find anyone without a damning word about the proposed National World War […]
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Don’t Mar the Mall (Editorial by The New York Times)
Before he leaves office, President Clinton hopes to break ground for a suitable memorial to the veterans of World War II, who are dwindling in number with each passing day. […]
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Honor WII Vets, but Not on Mall (Editorial by The Atlanta Constitution)
Anyone with an ounce of curiosity and a passing familiarity with the controversy over the World War II memorial proposed for the National Mall in Washington ought to be troubled […]
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WWII Memorial: Sound the Retreat (The Los Angeles Times)
By Nicolai Oouroussoff, The Los Angeles Times What’s shocking about the escalating debate over the World War II Memorial proposed for the National Mall in Washington isn’t its intensity, but […]
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DC Follies (The Los Angeles Times)
By Christopher Knight, The Los Angeles Times The centerpiece of Friedrich St. Florian’s cluttered design for Washington’s proposed World War II Memorial is a sculpture titled “The Light of Freedom.” […]
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Mauling the Mall (The Wall Street Journal)
Forget Guadalcanal and the Bulge. If the infighting in Washington these days is any clue, the biggest battle of World War II will turn out to be the battle over […]
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ACHP Finds Proposed WWII Memorial Incompatible With Historical Site
ACHP Finds Proposed WWII Memorial Incompatible With Historical Site
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Statement by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton on ACHP WWII Memorial Report
Save the Mall Statement by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton on ACHP Report
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