Month: October 2000
USA’s ‘front yard’ is veteran’s latest battleground (USA Today)
By Guillermo X. Garcia, USA Today As a skinny and scared 23-year-old draftee off a Missouri farm, John Graves found himself fighting in some of the most pitched European battles […]
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Let’s Reconsider the Site in the Nation’s Capital (Editorial, Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
What an unfortunate testimony to national priorities that a World War II memorial honoring those who served in the armed forces and those who sacrificed at home remains unbuilt more […]
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New Site for War Memorial (Editorial by The Hartford Courant)
On Veterans Day, November 11, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt will appear on the Mall at a spot between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial to break ground for the […]
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Desecrating a Landmark to Build a Memorial (San Francisco Chronicle)
On Sept. 21, the National Capital Planning Commission voted 7 to 5 to build a $100 million World War II memorial in our nation’s capital.
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