Month: November 2000
Save the Mall (The Nation)
On Veterans Day, November 11, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt will appear on the Mall at a spot between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial to break ground for the long-delayed World War II Memorial.
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Keeping Things Simple (Editorial, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
The National Mall in Washington, D.C., is a wonderful, inspirational place because of the simplicity of its design, the events it commemorates and the political protests that have coursed along […]
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Groundbreaking, of Sorts, for a Contested War Memorial (The New York Times)
By Jeff Gerth, The New York Times Fifty-five years after the end of the war, and 13 years after Congress first took up the idea of a monument to it, […]
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2 Pave Helipads Proposed for Mall (The Washington Post)
By Linda Wheeler, The Washington Post The National Park Service wants to pave part of the Mall to create two helicopter pads and a walkway connecting them. The proposed World […]
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A Scourge of War Not Worthy of This Battlefield (The Washington Post)
By Marc Fisher, The Washington Post The disappearing of the Mall’s most spectacular vista has begun. Over the weekend, wrapping themselves in the bunting of Veterans Day, the perpetrators of the […]
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