Month: May 2001
Monumental Mistake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)
By Paul Greenberg, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Tim Hutchinson, the senior senator from Arkansas, sounds like he’s ready to climb on a bulldozer and start digging up much of the National Mall right […]
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World War II Memorial a Classic Example of Excess (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
By Sally Kalson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette If the goal of art and architecture is to elicit strong reactions, then the World War II monument succeeds. The designer, Friedrich St. Florian, a […]
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Monument for WWII should not be rushed (The Virginian-Pilot)
By Guy Friddell, The Virginian-Pilot This Memorial Day finds controversy roiling around a World War II monument for the National Mall in Washington, D.C. To my mind, only two features […]
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Monumental Mistake (Editorial by Boston Globe)
IGNORING a pending court case, environmental concerns, historical sense of place, aesthetics, and some passionate veterans, Congress voted this week to put a World War II memorial on the National […]
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A historic vista now will make room for World War II memorial (Boston Globe)
By Christopher Newton, The Boston Globe WASHINGTON (AP) In times of conscience, the still fields between the Washington Monument and Abe Lincoln’s mighty chair have served as the nation’s spiritual […]
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John McLaughlin attacks Congress for “fascist behavior”
John McLaughlin had this to say about the WWII Memorial May 25,2001, on his show, the McLaughlin Group: “In fact, your point is well taken, because all further proceedings to […]
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WWII tribute set in stone, maybe (USA Today)
By Richard Benedetto, USA Today WASHINGTON — World War II ended 56 years ago. Of the 16 million people who served in the U.S. armed forces from 1941 to 1945, […]
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World War II Memorial Approved for Mall Site (The Washington Post)
By Spencer Hsu and Linda Wheeler, The Washington Post Congress gave final approval for a national World War II Memorial in the heart of the Mall yesterday, ratifying plans to commemorate […]
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WWII Memorial Gets Key Support (The Los Angeles Times)
By Jonathan Peterson, The Los Angeles Times The Senate endorsed a controversial plan Monday to build a World War II memorial on the National Mall, apparently ending a fierce and emotional […]
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Senate OKs WWII Memorial: Measure would exempt project from legal action (Chicago Tribune)
By Michael Killian, Chicago Tribune The Senate on Monday unanimously approved a measure that would allow the immediate construction of the controversial World War II Memorial for the capital’s National Mall […]
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