Month: July 2008
New Construction on the National Mall
Dear Friends: Today’s Examiner features two stories — Mall Sprawl and Norton: Nothing More on the Mall — about the problem of continuing proposals for new construction on the National […]
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Park Service may drain Capitol Reflecting Pool
National Coalition to Save the Mall
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Newsweek: A Mall Overhaul
Dear Coalition Friends: See the story about the National Mall in the latest Newsweek magazine online: NEWSWEEK A Mall Overhaul Why a major facelift is in store for America’s ‘front […]
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Happy July 4th!
Dear Coalition Friends: Happy July 4th! The National Mall is receiving plenty of media attention this July 4th–with stories about the Mall’s decrepit condition; the National Park Service’s proposals to […]
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CBS News Sunday Morning Highlights Mall’s Decrepit State
Dear Coalition Friends: CBS News Sunday Morning seems to have created quite a stir when it aired “Gone to Seed,” on June 29th, about the decrepit condition of the National […]
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