Home / 2021
Year: 2021
Coalition Newsletter and Yearly Appeal
We depend on your continuing support to help us raise public awareness of the Mall’s role in American democracy …
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An Appreciation of Fred Hiatt of The Washington Post
Sadly, the National Mall, and the National Mall Coalition, lost a champion and friend with the recent death of Fred Hiatt.
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A Tribute to Albert H. Small (1925 – 2021)
Our Coalition lost a visionary Board member and champion of the National Mall with the death of Albert H. Small on October 3, 2021.
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Coalition Presents National Mall Underground to Commission of Fine Arts
The CFA asked the Coalition for an “information presentation” on the Underground, which was provided on October 21 during one of the CFA’s regular monthly meetings.
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National Mall Infrastructure Upgrades, Tribute to Charles I. Cassell and Mall Security
The fencing put up around the Capitol Building after January 6th has been taken down. But the images of the People’s House behind barricades remains a terrible memory.
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Are Temporary Memorials the Future on the National Mall?
600,000 small white flags that occupy twenty acres of the grounds around the Washington Monument show the power of the ephemeral.
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Photo Gallery: Artist Suzanne Brennan Firsten’s “In America: Remember”
A photo essay by Ellen Goldstein of artist Suzanne Brennan Firsten’s National Mall exhibit “In America: Remember”
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Hurricane Ida: A Wakeup Call for the National Mall
The District of Columbia has just dodged another bullet — the remnants of Hurricane Ida.
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Considering a ‘Buses Only’ Alternative for National Mall Underground
The Coalition has begun looking at an alternative to the original National Mall Underground concept to accommodate only tour bus parking.
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Infrastructure Upgrades can be a Turning Point for the National Mall
The Coalition submitted testimony supporting this simpler plan to revitalize and upgrade the Castle and Arts & Industries Building.
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