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Tag: Eisenhower Memorial
Comments: Revised Eisenhower Memorial Design before the Commission of Fine Arts by the Coalition
Since 2006 when site selection began, the Coalition has supported creation of the Eisenhower Memorial. We hoped that choice of this location would be an opportunity to realize Maryland Avenue […]
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Coalition comments on the proposed Environmental Document for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial
These comments are submitted in response to the scoping for the environmental document to be prepared by the Eisenhower Memorial Commission and the National Park Service for the Eisenhower Memorial […]
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Design Concept Chosen for the Eisenhower Memorial
Next week there will be two opportunities to see and comment on the design concept recently chosen for the Eisenhower memorial. On April 21st, at 1 p.m. in the offices of the Commission of Fine Arts, the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission will review the project.
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Update on Proposed Museums and Memorials for the National Mall
Dear Coalition Friends, Here’s the latest on some new and proposed museums and memorials planned for the National Mall and nearby: Earlier this week we told you about the design […]
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Eisenhower Memorial to be presented to the National Capital Planning Commission
Dear Coalition Friends: The Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial and Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial are the latest memorial projects in the news. Both projects provide a window into the memorial […]
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