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Tag: WWII Memorial
Excerpt from ‘How to Overthrow the Government’
By Arianna Huffington Excerpt from How to Overthrow the Government HarperCollins Publishers, 2001 (pp. 216-217) … It’s another indicator of how out of touch our political leaders are that Bob Dole […]
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Another Setback for Foes of Memorial Site (The Washington Post)
By Bill Miller, The Washington Post A federal appeals court refused yesterday to revive a lawsuit seeking to halt construction of the World War II memorial on the Mall, ruling that […]
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Judges to Consider Halting Work on WWII Memorial (Washington Post)
By Arthur Santanan, The Washington Post The World War II Memorial faces yet another hurdle. The D.C. Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals yesterday told groups that oppose building the […]
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Hold the Marble (Boston Globe)
By Thomas Oliphant, Boston Globe From D-Day to Independence Day, a fascinating interaction of film, popular history, academic history, nostalgia, and agenda activism has revived our past.Good, on balance. But with […]
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Critics of World War II Memorial go back to court (Boston Herald)
By Don Feder, Boston Herald Try to imagine Mitsubishi, whose Zeros took part in the attack on Pearl Harbor, erecting a monument to Americans who died there. How about Jane Fonda as […]
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Memorial Builder’s Owner Defrauded U.S. (The Washington Times)
By Daniel F. Drummond, The Washington Times Philipp Holzmann AG, a German conglomerate that owns one of the companies awarded part of a $56 million contract to construct the World […]
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Architect Designs WWII Memorial (Associated Press)
By Brian Carovillano, Associated Press PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) – Friedrich St. Florian is a product of the same country that bred Adolf Hitler. So it makes him feel especially proud to […]
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Memorial Builder Has Parent Link to Nazi Era (New York Times)
By Elaine Sciolino, The New York Times One of the two American companies selected last week to build a World War II memorial on the Mall is owned by a […]
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A Monument To Distorted Priorities
By Arianna Huffington, Syndicated Columnist No one ever went broke overestimating the ability of a politician to choose gesture over substance. As if we needed any more evidence of Washington’s distorted […]
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World War II Memorial Media (Editorial by Buffalo News)
A memorial to those who fought and won World War II, preserving freedom and shaping the world we now live in, is long overdue. As their generation passes and the […]
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