Month: April 2010
David Alpert on Monumentalism
It’s exciting to see the growing interest for outside-the-box thinking about the future of the National Mall.
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Design Concept Chosen for the Eisenhower Memorial
Next week there will be two opportunities to see and comment on the design concept recently chosen for the Eisenhower memorial. On April 21st, at 1 p.m. in the offices of the Commission of Fine Arts, the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission will review the project.
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Post: The McMillan Plan stands in the way of a better Mall for Washington
Dear Coalition Friends: From yesterday’s Washington Post, a commentary by the Post’s culture critic: THE WASHINGTON POST The McMillan Plan stands in the way of a better Mall for Washington By […]
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Coalition comments on NPS Turf Plan
Scoping for the EA for the National Park Service Reconstruction of the Turf and Soil on the National Mall The need for a comprehensive National Mall master plan to guide […]
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