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Year: 2015
An Evolving Stage
Who are the visionary thinkers today who can work with all Mall constituencies to create a new long-term vision and plan for the Mall in its 3rd century, a plan that […]
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can provide benefits for all Americans as well as the Smithsonian, National Gallery, National Park Service, and other Mall managers.
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Yet since Congress…
… Yet since Congress declared the National Mall a “substantially completed work of civic art” in 2003, it has endured piecemeal growth and environmental effects that threaten the vitality and […]
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Smithsonian South Mall Master Plan Needs To Consider Broader Public Interest
February 28, 2015 In 2012, the Smithsonian Institution commissioned visionary Danish planner BIG, the Bjarke Ingels Group, to re-envision its gardens and museums on the south side of […]
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