Letter from the Chair

June 2015

Dear Friends of the National Mall:

Earlier this year the Board members of the National Coalition to Save Our Mall completed a strategic plan and made the decision to change our name to the National Mall Coalition. Our advocacy efforts have evolved over fifteen years from reacting to ill-advised projects that threatened the Mall’s historic integrity to actively promoting thoughtful, long-range planning for this landscape symbol of American democracy.

We have gone from saving the Mall from threats to saving the Mall for future generations. With government planners focusing on Mall maintenance, we look at the big picture: What’s the comprehensive, long-range, visionary plan that will ensure the Mall’s continuing relevance in our democracy? Involving the American public, and local and national nonprofit and civic groups, in shaping the future of the Mall is a crucial component for success. Thus, our name now matches our ongoing efforts to build our Mall “Coalition.”

We welcome your interest and participation as we redouble our efforts to protect and advance the brilliant visionary planning for the National Mall, to engage the public in thoughtful ideas about the future, to collaborate on innovative solutions to Mall-wide problems, and to create visionary ideas that show how the Mall can continue to evolve as a dynamic and powerful symbol of America’s history and heritage and the centerpiece of the nation’s capital community.


Judy Feldman signature

Judy Scott Feldman, PhD
jfeldman@nationalmallcoalition.org / 301-335-8490



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