Month: September 2016
Slideshow: Students Present ‘EpicCentering the National Mall’ at Lincoln Memorial
On Friday, September 23, 2016, students of DC’s Shining Stars Montessori Public Charter School gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to tell, with personal stories and drawings, what the National Mall […]
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Lisa Benton-Short on public space, Dr. Thomas King visits the Coalition, and the latest EpicCentering events
Dear Friends of the National Mall Coalition: It’s been a while since you’ve heard from us but after a slowdown during summer we’re as busy as ever. We have a […]
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EpicCentering the National Mall announces two student events celebrating the National Mall
Dr. Carolivia Herron and EpicCentering the National Mall invites students to the National Mall on September 23rd and October 2nd to participate in “I Remember When the National Mall Was […]
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Turf War on the National Mall?
The National Mall is our nation’s premier public space. It is the stage for American democracy, a destination for exploring the country’s history, a place for entertainment, inspiration, and recreation.
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DC Flood Summit Challenges DC and Feds to Take Action
The National Mall Coalition applauds the DC Silver Jackets on the success of its 2016 DC Flood Summit on September 8th that brought together public and private parties to learn […]
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Letter in Washington Post: Envisioning the Mall’s Third Century
In a letter published in The Washington Post and posted online, National Mall Coalition chair Judy Scott Feldman touches on the need for a long term plan for the National […]
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Cultural Anthropologist Tom King Meets with National Mall Coalition
Free-lance writer, cultural anthropologist, and historic preservation consultant Tom King stopped by the National Mall Coalition’s board meeting this week and offered insight into his experiences with the U.S. National […]
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Slideshow: Devastating Floods are a Historic and Ongoing Problem for the National Mall
The National Mall Coalition has proposed a way to implement the 2011 recommendations for a floodwater reservoir under the National Mall while also solving other Mall problems that will make […]
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