Month: November 2016
Priority for DC: Gondolas, Ferries, or Flood Protection?
By Gordon Binder A November 6th Washington Post article by Luz Lazo, “Are ferry, gondola, high-speed rail ideas for D.C. region realistic or fantasy?” floated the notion of new transit options […]
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The National Mall: Making Space for the African American History Museum
By Lisa Benton-Short On September 24, 2016 thousands gathered on the National Mall to celebrate the grand opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Inside the […]
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Has the National Mall run out of space?
By Gordon Binder November’s Washingtonian magazine includes Benjamin Freed’s Capital Comment, “Full Attic?” about one of the National Mall’s major challenges: finding sites to accommodate the continuing flow of proposals for new […]
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Slideshow: America’s 3rd Century National Mall
Learn about the National Mall Coalition’s 3rd Century Mall plan that proposes Congress implement innovative projects to update and upgrade the historical Mall with its 19th century landscape to support […]
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