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Newsletter Updates
An archive of National Mall Coalition email newsletters
Blogs Comment on National Ideas Competition
Two local blogs have picked up on the National Ideas Competition for the Washington Monument Grounds project.
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Blogs on Latino Museum Site Selection
Dear Coalition Friends: Two DC area blogs, DCmud and GreaterGreaterWashington, also have been commenting on the Latino Museum site selection. DCmud provides photographs of targeted buildings for those who are not familiar with […]
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Post culture critic on the Latino Museum
Dear Coalition Friends: In Sunday’s Washington Post, culture critic Philip Kennicott reviewed the site selection options for the Latino Museum and called on the District of Columbia government and Latino Museum Commission to take a long view. […]
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National Museum of the American Latino site selection
Dear Coalition Friends: As promised in our last UPDATE, here is a quick update on the National Museum of the American Latino site selection presentation before the National Capital Planning Commission last Thursday. […]
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America’s front yard
This letter below is in response to The Washington Post’s July 4th “Topic A,” “What would you do to change America’s front yard?”
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Topic A: What would you do to change America’s front yard?
Judy Scott Feldman, Ken Salazar, Caroline Cunningham and James P. Clark share their visions for how to upgrade, expand or change the federal lands in the heart of our nation’s capital.
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Site Recommendations for the Latino American Museum
The Commission studying potential locations for the future Latino American museum will present its site recommendations this coming Thursday, July 1st, at the public session of the National Capital Planning Commission.
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Senator Jim Webb on National Mall Traffic and Tour Busses
The lack of affordable public transit, parking, and rational policy for dealing with the flood of tour buses on the Mall, is once again in the news, and now has garnered the interest of Virginia Senator Jim Webb.
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National Trust for Historic Preservation: America’s Great Outdoors initiative
Dear Coalition Friends: The National Trust for Historic Preservation is working to broaden the Obama Administration’s new America’s Great Outdoors initiative to include not only natural resources but also our cultural […]
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‘Make No Little Plans’ Screening
Next Wednesday, June 9th, on the National Mall is an open-air screening of the documentary film Make No Little Plans about architect Daniel Burnham. It is free and open to the public. See the press release below.
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