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Year: 2019
Korean War & Second Division Monuments Modifications, Post Op-Ed and Mall Quiz
Dear Friends of the National Mall, Happy Holidays! The National Mall Coalition was founded in 2000 by a group of architects, historians, preservationists, educators, and concerned citizens seeking to provide, in […]
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A concerned citizen’s comments on plans to modify the Korean War and Second Division Monuments
Here are the comments I filed on October 29, 2019 via the National Park Service website …
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Comments: Second Division Memorial Modification, President’s Park
By Judy Scott Feldman, PhD, Chair, National Mall Coalition (Submitted to the National Park Service by the National Mall Coalition, October 28, 2019) On behalf of the National Mall Coalition, I […]
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Comments: Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Proposal
By Judy Scott Feldman, PhD, Chair, National Mall Coalition (Submitted to the National Park Service by the National Mall Coalition, October 28, 2019) I am writing on behalf of the National Mall Coalition, […]
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Can you pass a National Mall history test?
Learn about the memorials, monuments, and history associated with this Stage for American Democracy.
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UPDATED: Coalition’s latest Op-Ed in The Washington Post Tackles Mall Flooding
In an op-ed published in The Washington Post, the National Mall Coalition describes the existential threat of flooding on the National Mall.
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Happy Independence Day!
Founding Father John Adams got our national celebration of Independence Day only half right. Yes, we celebrate with “pomp and parade,” but not on the day he predicted.
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Photo Gallery: Fireworks on the National Mall
Take a colorful journey through fireworks displays igniting the night sky on the National Mall in honor of the Fourth of July.
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Defending the D.C. War Memorial, ACLU and Coalition fight for Mall free speech, ‘Tom Clancy’s The Division 2’ floods the Mall & the Mall shutdown
Dear Friends of the National Mall, In this newsletter update, read: praise for the simple beauty of the D.C. World War I Memorial on the Mall, defense for free speech on […]
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‘Forrest Gump’ returns to the National Mall
Paramount Pictures’ Academy Award-winning “Forrest Gump” marks its 25th anniversary with a free movie screening kicking off Memorial Day weekend on the National Mall.
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