Korean War & Second Division Monuments Modifications, Post Op-Ed and Mall Quiz

Dear Friends of the National Mall,

Happy Holidays! The National Mall Coalition was founded in 2000 by a group of architects, historians, preservationists, educators, and concerned citizens seeking to provide, in the face of fragmented government management, a voice for the public interest in National Mall matters. We continue to raise a voice to protect and enhance public use of the National Mall.

In this newsletter update, read:
• A concerned citizen’s comments on plans to modify the Korean War Veterans and Second Division Monuments
• The Coalition’s latest Op-Ed in The Washington Post about Mall Flooding
• And more …

The National Mall is our stage for American democracy. The Mall belongs to all of us. Let us know if you have topics of interest and concern we should include in our outreach to the public.

With this newsletter, we are once again asking for your support for the important work our National Mall Coalition has done and will continue to do next year. Your tax deductible donation goes to costs of producing and distribution our very popular mini-maps, The National Mall: Stage for Our Democracy, to public outreach to the local community and visitors from across the country, and to our ongoing development of innovative projects to ensure the Mall’s future resiliency and sustainability.


Please donate online
on our website
or at our
Facebook page

Or, mail your contribution by U.S. mail to:
National Mall Coalition
P.O. Box 4709
Rockville, MD 20849

Top stories:

Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance proposal (Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting October 15, 2019)

A concerned citizen’s comments on plans to modify the Korean War and Second Division Monuments

Cultural anthropologist, and historic preservationalist Tom King offers his perspective on the proposed modifications to the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall and the 2nd Infantry Division Memorial in President’s Park south of the White House. — READ MORE


Coalition’s latest Op-Ed in The Washington Post About Mall Flooding

In an op-ed published in The Washington Post, the National Mall Coalition describes the existential threat of flooding on the National Mall. — READ MORE


National Mall history quiz

Can you pass a National Mall history test?

Learn about the memorials, monuments, and history associated with this Stage for American Democracy.. — READ MORE


Second Division Memorial Modification, President’s Park

The National Mall Coalition official comments on the proposal to modify the Second Infantry Division Memorial, on the National Mall between the Ellipse and Constitution Avenue. — READ MORE

Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Proposal

The Coalition comments on plans to construct a “Wall of Remembrance” at the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall. — READ MORE

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